Wart Removal in Dubai

Remove warts to lower the risk of spreading them to other body parts or passing them to others. Yes, they are contagious.

Free yourself from their undesired look and existence safely with the wart removal we offer.

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What are warts?

Warts are skin growths that develop in the epidermis (the outermost layer of the skin). They rise from the surface of the skin causing lumps with a rough surface. Despite their displeasing appearance, warts generally do not pose health risks. They are non-cancerous and mostly disappear on their own. However, some of them can be painful or cause discomfort. Besides, if you have an impaired or weakened immune system, the wart is likely to persist for years.

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What causes warts to grow?

Strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) are to blame for the development of warts. When the skin cells become infected with certain types of this virus, cell growth speeds up, manifesting as warts. There are 10 known, among the 150 strains of HPV, that lead to warts. Depending on the strain causing the infection, they have different types. Warts are common as HPV easily infects the person who comes into contact with it. Shaking hands, and contact with various surfaces are the main ways the viruses circle around. Sexual relationships have their own role in the transmission of HPV and the development of genital warts.

The types of wart removal treatment we offer

Even though warts mostly go away by themselves, their removal is a common practice to ease the discomfort they cause. We provide wart treatment in Dubai offering both traditional and innovative procedures including:

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Wart removal surgery

This procedure includes cutting the wart with a scalpel under local anesthesia. It takes 5 to 10 minutes and then you are discharged to resume your regular activities.

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Plasmage treatment for warts

A noninvasive treatment, Plasmage uses plasma energy (electrified gas) to remove warts. Plasmage is an innovative device that emits controlled energy to the wart and causes it to fall off.

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Benefits of warts treatment

Removing warts can help you avoid potential problems such as irritation, infection, and mental health issues. Cutting warts accidentally may lead to infections. If you leave the infection untended, more serious complications may develop. Apart from the physical harm, their unsightly appearance can affect your self-esteem. Warts in visible areas, especially when in clusters, cause distress. Their treatment and removal can certainly have a positive impact on mental health.

Risks and side effects of wart removal

Wart removal is an outpatient procedure. However, some side effects may appear after the treatment which includes:

  • Redness or bruising
  • Slight bleeding
  • Skin discoloration
  • Scarring
  • Tingling sensation in the treated area
  • Allergic reactions to local anesthetic
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Why choose us

  • We offer wart removal in Dubai with a science-based approach. To minimize any side effects, such as scarring or allergic reactions, we consider and analyze your health history. We give you the diagnosis that will lead to the right treatment course and effective results.
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Can warts be removed permanently?

Their removal does not cure the underlying cause and therefore, warts may regrow again. To prevent them from developing again, you should take preventative measures such as practicing personal hygiene.

How long does a wart removal take to heal?

Depending on the procedure and the type of wart, the treated area may take a week or two to heal.

Is it safe to remove a wart?

Wart removal is generally safe and a common practice. Nonetheless, before opting for either self-treatment or in-office procedures, it is important to have a professional consultation. A diagnosis, understanding the underlying condition, and determining the type are important in choosing the right treatment option.

Wart removal before and after

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