Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating Treatment)

Shake hands and give hugs with all your warmth. Wear anything you like with confidence.
Start your hyperhidrosis treatment at our clinic today. And start doing anything that excessive sweating has made difficult to do.

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What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is a condition manifesting itself in excessive sweating. It causes the body to sweat in random situations even when unnecessary. This means wetness might appear at unexpected times and for no apparent reason. Hyperhidrosis affects quality of life. It can put individuals in an uncomfortable position. Overactive sweat glands are the main cause of this phenomenon. They overwork and produce the fluid that originally reduces body heat. But in this case, the sweat is there even when you are cold.

What causes hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)?

Dark spots can appear on the skin for different reasons, generally as a consequence of damaged or unhealthy skin cells. These cellular changes result in excessive melanin production with the underlying causes being:

  • Sun exposure
  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal changes occurring during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause
  • Adrenal disorders
  • Inflammation such as acne
  • Injuries such as cuts and burns
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Medications

The types of hyperhidrosis treatment we offer

Experiencing excessive sweating at random times can be daunting and embarrassing. We offer hyperhidrosis treatment in Dubai to reduce sweat gland activity in your body.

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RF Microneedling for hyperhidrosis

RF microneedling uses thermal energy to damage sweat glands. The exposure to radiofrequency and the microneedles destroys these glands. The procedure is about an hour long and minimally invasive. The destructive effects of radiofrequency stop sweating right after the procedure ends.

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Botox injections for hyperhidrosis

Injecting botulinum toxin affects the nervous system which signals the glands to produce sweat. It blocks a chemical called acetylcholine which is responsible for those signals. Botox calms those overactive nerves and reduces sweat production for 3 to 6 months. These procedures not only target underarms but also include hyperhidrosis treatment for hands and feet.

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Who’s a good candidate for hyperhidrosis treatment?

Adults diagnosed with hyperhidrosis can undergo Botox or RF microneedling treatments. However, both procedures have their contraindications that must be taken into account. Before receiving the treatment provide a complete medical history and an account of any ongoing condition. Generally, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and serious health conditions such as cancer make hyperhidrosis risky.

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Is hyperhidrosis a serious condition?

Hyperhidrosis causes no threat to life but the experience itself can affect skin quality and mental health. Complications might arise due to the presence of constant moisture in the affected areas. These include skin changes, infections, or Maceration. As for mental health, the embarrassment of having wet hands or underarms can be stressful to a level that can stop you from continuing certain activities.

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Why choose us

  • We offer hyperhidrosis treatment in Dubai that can reduce your symptoms without posing any danger to your health. We run careful examinations to give the right diagnosis and satisfactory solution.
  • Our science-based approach is to ensure effectiveness and safety.
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Can hyperhidrosis go away on its own?

The experience is not the same for everyone. While in some cases primary hyperhidrosis can become milder on its own, some may experience more and more sweating with time. However, secondary hyperhidrosis can go away when the underlying condition is cured.

Is hyperhidrosis treatment safe?

Generally, excessive sweating treatments are well-tolerated procedures. Nonetheless, non-serious side effects such as skin irritation, pain, and blisters are somehow common. These symptoms normally go away within days.

Can diet affect hyperhidrosis?

Generally avoiding stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol that can worsen the issue may be helpful. Some studies also suggest that a vegetarian diet and consumption of supplements may reduce the symptoms.

Hyperhidrosis Treatment Before and After

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